Working together

zero marine litter!

MerTerre is doing everything in its power to reduce the waste that ends up in the sea.


waste at sea
come from the earth

Mammifères, oiseaux, tortues, poissons

Nature just
can't digest THEM

Marine animals such as mammals, birds, sea turtles, fish and invertebrates are known to ingest waste, especially plastic waste, because they confuse it with their usual food.

Through our actions,
we protect ecosystems
and their biodiversity.

MerTerre is a key and influential actor on the litter problem.


MerTerre develops methods to characterize diffuse litter in all types of environment.

Raise awareness

MerTerre develops educational and awareness-raising tools to change behavior.


Thanks to the collaborative science platforms it coordinates, MerTerre strengthens local stakeholders and their actions.


MerTerre supports stakeholders through data analysis for the co-construction of plans for the prevention and management of diffuse litter.

Our successes en 2023 :




Structures formed to characterize


Carac de

They support our mission

Public partners, companies, foundations: they support us and reinforce the impact of our missions.

Ministère de la transition écologique
Logo helloasso

Why should you make a donation ?

Almost all of your donations allow us to continue our coordinated actions to protect our planet.

All donations are tax-deductible

A donation of 20€ costs you less than 7€ and allows MerTerre to distribute a complete "clean-up kit".

A donation of 50€ costs you 17€ and enables MerTerre to help an association to characterize waste.

A donation of 100€ costs you 34€ and enables MerTerre to organize a large-scale clean-up.

Our latest news

Signaler les hotspots de déchets sur les plateformes de sciences collaboratives !
S’engager pour la nature : MerTerre au cœur de la collection 1% for the Planet
Retour sur l’intervention d’Isabelle Poitou lors de la conférence MICRO 2024 à Lanzarote

How to
support us ?

Everyone can act at their own level.
Would you like to fight against the proliferation of litter and give meaning to your commitment ?


Thanks to your donations, concrete actions are being taken all over France to protect terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

Donate now


By becoming partners, we are joining forces to raise awareness of the issues surrounding abandoned waste.

Become our partner


We need you ! Whether it's a pick-up or characterization assignment, or if you've got skills you'd like to put to good use, contact us!

Get involved


Joining an association means defending a cause close to your heart and contributing to its development.

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